1- Prevent blood clotting
When red blood cells clump too much inside the blood vessels, the blood turns very sticky.
But the oils contained in cinnamon prevent this unwanted “clumping” of red cells, which in turn helps protect against the problem of blood clotting.
2- It reduces inflammation and fights germs
One of the benefits of cinnamon is that it prevents the release of acid that provokes inflammation from the cell membrane. This property makes cinnamon an effective food in reducing the symptoms of inflammation.
But these advantages of cinnamon have been proven laboratory-based only, and information is lacking so far regarding humans. However, researchers believe that cinnamon works similarly in humans, as cinnamon has effective and powerful antibacterial and antifungal properties.
3- It affects the brain
In research into the effect of scents on brain function, which compared the smells of cinnamon, mint, and jasmine, it was found that chewing cinnamon gum and smelling the “sweet-spicy” fragrance of cinnamon alone:
• Enhancing attention and concentration abilities.
• Increased work and response to the visual-motor abilities of the subjects.
4- Cinnamon is rich in fiber and minerals
Another benefit of cinnamon is that it is rich in manganese and a good source of dietary fiber, iron and calcium.
In addition, the fiber and calcium in cinnamon have a good ability to bind bile salts and help remove them from the body effectively.
5- Cinnamon reduces sugar levels
Many studies have shown that one of the benefits of cinnamon is that it slows down the speed of digestion, which may reduce high blood sugar levels.
In animal studies, cinnamon has been shown to be effective in lowering blood sugar levels, and it can be speculated that the powerful antioxidants it contains can positively affect diabetes complications.
In laboratory studies, it has been speculated that cinnamon can improve the sensitivity of cells to insulin, thus providing relief for patients with type 2 diabetes.
6- Weight loss
Cinnamon can help in losing extra kilograms, especially those gained as a result of following an unhealthy, high-fat diet, especially those that accumulate in the abdominal area.
A study has found that cinnamon slows down the process of storing fat in the body, thus reducing the possibility of weight gain.
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